Saturday, January 31, 2009

HOLY DICKS, I'm all caught up on this bitch!

Well, that only took all week - from 1200+ reps down to 0. But the outcome is well worth it, and I can finally focus my energy back on actually reading and mining sentences.

Unfortunately, I'm coming down with one nasty illness so I may not be able to get back to things at a pace as steady as I'd like to. At the moment, I don't even want to think about mining no dang ol' sentences. It was actually a little amusing finishing off the last hundred cards or so - I'd get to a sentence with a phrase meaning like, "school entrance exam" or "rewrite the document" and would quite literally exclaim profanities, wondering how the hell such boring material ever made its way into my deck in the first place. My increasing grumpiness honed in on these dull, lifeless sentences, many of which were suspended or deleted before the night was through. It was glorious.

From now on, no more school or office related terms if I can avoid them. For the love of god, no more.

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